Archive for Februari 2014

How to Learn Text Tool Using CorelDRAW

How to Learn Text Tool Using CorelDRAW - Text tool is a mandatory tool for the designers because in making a logo or whatever it is highly unlikely when we do not use text, therefore the corel myself also create a special menu for the text is different from the other tools that are on the other. 
on the text tool you can explorer this function a lot due to very good imagination and can function in various ways, for example, the text follows the contours of a line as shown below.

How to Learn Text Tool Using CorelDRAW

But there are many more functions provided for a design just using the text tool, for example to make a magazine or add text into an object etc.. 

You can see the details of a video that I have made in my vid'SIGN channel. 

Don't forget to subscribe if you are happy and want to learn some more about the Design.

Jumat, 28 Februari 2014
Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

How To Learn Contour and Outline Using CorelDRAW

How To Learn Contour and Outline Using CorelDRAW - Contour is a function to reinforce the original appearance of an object such as we have white letters on a colored background, but white is also now using the contours of the letters then we can strengthen it by giving it a black contour may or other dark colors. 
while the outline is similar to the function of the contour outline but only has one side, while the contour can be more than 2 to infinity.

How To Learn Contour and Outline Using CorelDRAW

Both are the same, namely to increase the detail of an object we are, but when you are in a lot of designs that you have to choose one or both of these functions can use in this case contours and outlines. we take an example, suppose you create a banner design and there need an object to reinforce the word, but for the sake of beauty you have to make more than one additional object in the text. the following example.

How To Learn Contour and Outline Using CorelDRAW

Thus we can conclude that the Corel makes the same function but in some circumstances may be different and can be used either.

See the video for a more 

Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

How to Erase Background Image Using CorelDRAW

How to Erase Background Image Using CorelDRAW - This Tutorial explains how to remove the background from an image that we want the design to make it look more elegant when put every aspect of media such as business cards, etc.. 
This video provides guidance on how to remove the background with 2 way first by using Corel Photo-Paint and the second using the Intersect on coreldrwa, both ways are very much different but the same function is simply to delete the background of the picture and it all depends on you which one to use from the second way, but my suggestion would be a good idea to use that more often using corel Photo-Paint, so why is because when we use PhotoPaint then we can give a feather on the outskirts of the object image which has been we lose.

See the video for a more complete

Kamis, 27 Februari 2014
Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

How To Make Drop Shadow in CorelDRAW Easily

How To Make Drop Shadow in CorelDRAW Easily - Shadow is very important for a shadow because the design can make the image will attract and also feels alive. example in the design when the shadow is not there then the image will feel like flying and not attractive to look at, in the previous tutorial entitled Pentingnya Shadow Dalam Design (sorry it in Indonesian) is a theme that is how a shadow is needed at a decent design. 

therefore we vid'SIGN shadow design theme for CorelDraw users who wanted to know how to and step by step of creating a shadow.
See more in the video below

Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

Desain Cover Buku Menggunakan CorelDRAW

Desain Cover Buku Menggunakan CorelDRAW - Cover Buku adalah bukan hanya sekedar untuk melindungi isi dari buku itu sendiri namun juga cover buku adalah sebuah tema yang mengangkat isi dari buku itu sendiri, dan tidak sembarang untuk dibuat atau didesain. Misalkan anda mempunyai buku yang berisikan tentang Motivasi, maka cover buku anda harus memiliki tema atau unsur yang sama dari isi buku itu sendiri dalam contoh gambar misal orang yang senang/bergembira dengan gambaran Move On.

Tutorial ini tidak memberikan gambaran untuk sebuah desain namun ke bagaimana kita mendesain sebuah cover buku. Video ini menampilkan cara Desain Sederhana menggunakan segala Versi dari CorelDRAW, Video ini pula menjelaskan sebagian cara penggunaan tool-tool pada Aplikasi CorelDRAW yang sangat menarik untuk dilihat dan mudah dipelajari.

Secara singkat akan saya terangkan beberapa cara dalam desain buku ini.
Membuat Bunga, Buka Aplikasi CorelDRAW anda dan klik Polygon untuk membuatnya.
Untuk selengkapnya bisa dilihat pada Video Berikut

Jumat, 21 Februari 2014
Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

Tutorial Design Button With InkSCAPE

Tutorial Design Button With InkSCAPE - Inkscape is a free application that can be downloaded anywhere without any payment, so when someone wants to get the advantages of downloading this application will probably wrong. it helps you download this app on the official website of this Inkscape. 

Tutorial Design Button With InkSCAPE

Whether you are a designer in a company in the field of design application, and you are confused to make a button. maybe this way you can emulate and take it as an ingredient in the manufacture of buttons in some applications that you hold. manufacture of buttons like this in Inkscape you can run or saved with the extension JavaFX is very familiar with the Java programming language. okay I will not discuss how this button will be incorporated into the java script, but I was limited to make the design.

 first open your application inkscape, and for the first time you create a rectangle that has been rounded.

After you follow the way as shown above then you duplicate your object to be 2 objects, and object selection before you duplicate the object that would advance in duplicate , in this example a square object was.

For further than this tutorial you can see it through a youtube video. 
Happy Watching Link Youtube

Kamis, 20 Februari 2014
Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

How To Learn Interactive Tool using Corel DRAW

How To Learn Interactive Tool using Corel DRAW  - Interactive tool is a tool that serves to add to the object looks attractive and beautiful is seen therefore that is why it is called interactive because this tool works not only alone, but requires some additional objects or object can be augmented with a variety of menus that have been separated and each different function.

At times the discussion I will give an explanation about the tool that is included in the category of interactive tools that includes: 
1. Interactive Blend Tool
How To Learn Interactive Tool using Corel DRAW

2. Interactive Contour Tool
How To Learn Interactive Tool Using Corel DRAW

3. Interactive Distrot Tool
How To Learn Interactive Tool Using Corel Draw

4. Interactive Drop Shadow Tool
How To Learn Interactive Tool using Corel DRAW

5. Interactive Envelope Tool
How To Learn Interactive Tool using Corel DRAW

6. Interactive Extrude Tool
How To Learn Interactive Tool using Corel DRAW

7. Interactive Transparancy Tool
How To Learn Interactive Tool using Corel DRAW

Watch This Video

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014
Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

How to Learn Smart Fill Tool using Corel DRAW

How to Learn Smart Fill Tool using Corel DRAW  - You have experienced the color on the object so difficult to be with the manual selection of objects one by one and given the color and also anyone use the eyedropper tool. 
but you can also use a tool that has been provided by the Corel for giving color very quickly just by choosing the color and click on the object you want to be automatically color the color that has been chosen will be given to those objects.

Look at the picture below, when previously we only make the object as much as 3 circles and when we give the smart fill tool it will add seven objects that are separated by an outline and coupled with the 3 previous objects, keep in mind that the 3 previous object will not be lost or removed, the tool this only adds to the object alone.

Watch this Video for more Details

Minggu, 16 Februari 2014
Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

How to Learn Basic Tool Object Design Corel DRAW

How to Learn Basic Tool Object Design Corel DRAW  - The video to be displayed describes how the use of basic tools such as bazier tool, the pen tool, etc.. because of the many tools in the making of the object makes many people confused, I take an example to make the curve there bazier tool and the pen tool to do it, but do you know the difference between the two tools. This is what is explained in the video below ..

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014
Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

How To Learn Interpolate and Pattern Along Path Using Inkscape

How To Learn Interpolate and Pattern Along Path Using Inkscape - If ever you see a logo that is curved and bearing the image of rice and cotton, maybe in your mind the designs created manually alias copy and paste one by one to make it look as it looks. but the answer is no right or wrong because there is someone who only rely on manual designer is to design preliminary sketches, but this ditutorial I give an explanation of how a picture can be made ​​easily and quickly without having to copy and paste. see the video below to learn more deeply.

How To Learn Interpolate and Pattern Along Path Using Inkscape

Jumat, 14 Februari 2014
Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

How To Learn Rectangle Tool Using Corel DRAW

How To Learn Rectangle Tool Using Corel DRAW - Did you know that the rectangle tool is a tool that is very much used in any design of a product such as piping products are made and also as a business card or company identification cards. 
to learn more deeply about the tips and tricks what is inside the rectangle tool, you better watch the video review below.

Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

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