Posted by : Ihya Ulumuddiin Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

Tutorial Design Button With InkSCAPE - Inkscape is a free application that can be downloaded anywhere without any payment, so when someone wants to get the advantages of downloading this application will probably wrong. it helps you download this app on the official website of this Inkscape. 

Tutorial Design Button With InkSCAPE

Whether you are a designer in a company in the field of design application, and you are confused to make a button. maybe this way you can emulate and take it as an ingredient in the manufacture of buttons in some applications that you hold. manufacture of buttons like this in Inkscape you can run or saved with the extension JavaFX is very familiar with the Java programming language. okay I will not discuss how this button will be incorporated into the java script, but I was limited to make the design.

 first open your application inkscape, and for the first time you create a rectangle that has been rounded.

After you follow the way as shown above then you duplicate your object to be 2 objects, and object selection before you duplicate the object that would advance in duplicate , in this example a square object was.

For further than this tutorial you can see it through a youtube video. 
Happy Watching Link Youtube

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