Posted by : Ihya Ulumuddiin Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

How To Learn Contour and Outline Using CorelDRAW - Contour is a function to reinforce the original appearance of an object such as we have white letters on a colored background, but white is also now using the contours of the letters then we can strengthen it by giving it a black contour may or other dark colors. 
while the outline is similar to the function of the contour outline but only has one side, while the contour can be more than 2 to infinity.

How To Learn Contour and Outline Using CorelDRAW

Both are the same, namely to increase the detail of an object we are, but when you are in a lot of designs that you have to choose one or both of these functions can use in this case contours and outlines. we take an example, suppose you create a banner design and there need an object to reinforce the word, but for the sake of beauty you have to make more than one additional object in the text. the following example.

How To Learn Contour and Outline Using CorelDRAW

Thus we can conclude that the Corel makes the same function but in some circumstances may be different and can be used either.

See the video for a more 

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