How do I use the Envelope Effect in Inkscape

How do I use the Envelope Effect in Inkscape - Envelope effect is an effect that is commonly used in the text object to make it more attractive and can be elastic when shifted or made ​​such a pattern, eg text made ​​fish pattern, heart pattern, and others. 

How do I use the Envelope Effect in Inkscape

The effect of the envelope when we want to use it will not be unless we have to change our object into Path, this menu is on the menu then Object to Path Path object but we want to be in a state of active or selected. Object creation is quite easy you change your text into a path and then select " Path Effect Editor " on the menu Path then locate the submenu under the name "Path Effect Editor" or the shortcut keys Shift + Ctrl +7 .

How do I use the Envelope Effect in Inkscape

after you have opened the " Path Effect Editor " simply in " New Effect " search called " Envelope Deformation " then click Add , it will display "Current Effect " as many as 4 different lying there "top bend path " which means editing the path the top of the "right path bend " the right to edit parts and so on .

To make it more understandable good you can see the video directly on the tutorials that I have made.
Link Youtube

Rabu, 05 Maret 2014
Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

How to Create Contour and Outline Using Inkscape

How to Create Contour and Outline Using Inkscape - I've been discussing how to make the outline and contour the CorelDraw application entitled "How To Learn Contour and Outline Using CorelDRAW" and thus I no longer need to discuss what is contour and outline what it is that needs to be kept in mind here is that I use inkscape and language applications for both matter different in coreldraw called for inkscape outline but called for the object Luat outset and inset for objects in, while the outline in coreldraw language to language inkscape and stroke. 

How to Create Contour and Outline Using Inkscape

The differences were not obvious, but you just choose which one to be made or used in your design creations. for details of how to use this application you can see from the video that I have made, if the video is not clear please leave a message or comment below on my blog or Youtube video that I have to share here.

Link Youtube

Selasa, 04 Maret 2014
Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

How to make Ornament moving effect using Inkscape and Sparkol

How to make Ornament moving effect using Inkscape and Sparkol - Or swirl ornament is a work that is very much sought after for a variety of many people especially severe for a designer or supplementary materials for the design that they make such as business cards, certificates or other ornaments to put this on their work such that no corner or middle beautify a masterpiece of design you want to create, but you taukan that ornaments can also be made to beautify a video like on television right now. you do not worry in making ornaments effects in this video is not too difficult you just need an application Inkscape is of course free and also you can buy Sparkol the official site.

You just need to make ornaments advance using inkscape and applications for this method already explained in my video titled How to Make  Ornament or Swirl Using Inkscape, in this video has been summarized in the use of the application and also cancellation of the ornament so if you have difficulty in understanding the video You can contact me or by providing comments on the video that has been created.

How to Make  Ornament or Swirl Using Inkscape

To shorten this discussion would that please you to watch the tutorials are packed with the video below, once again I reiterate if there is difficulty in understanding this tutorial please give comment on my own youtube video or can provide comments on this blog. 

Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

How To Learn Spiro and Pattern Along Path Using Inkscape

How To Learn Spiro and Pattern Along Path Using Inkscape - In this discussion I will explain what and how to use spiro and pattern along the path, spiro is a tool that is designed to be a stroke or curve that we have made will be more refined look without anyone miss the curve, the tool used to make when we want to make swirl or ornament on a design, I've discussed this in the title tetantang How to Make Swirl or Ornament Using Inkscape.

It's one example of the functions and how when we use spiro, and now what is the pattern along the path? pattern along the path is a tool that when we want to create a path but it has a different texture to our desires then we can use this tool. 

Keep in mind that both of these tools should not be used together because you can only use spiro alone or vice versa by simply using pattern along the path alone. 

in inkscape both of these functions has been put together with Pentool or pencil and to provide patternnya with only 3 functions and plus 1 that is of our own custom. 

The following is the final result of the tutorial provided in the form of video

Minggu, 02 Maret 2014
Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

How to Learn Text Tool Using CorelDRAW

How to Learn Text Tool Using CorelDRAW - Text tool is a mandatory tool for the designers because in making a logo or whatever it is highly unlikely when we do not use text, therefore the corel myself also create a special menu for the text is different from the other tools that are on the other. 
on the text tool you can explorer this function a lot due to very good imagination and can function in various ways, for example, the text follows the contours of a line as shown below.

How to Learn Text Tool Using CorelDRAW

But there are many more functions provided for a design just using the text tool, for example to make a magazine or add text into an object etc.. 

You can see the details of a video that I have made in my vid'SIGN channel. 

Don't forget to subscribe if you are happy and want to learn some more about the Design.

Jumat, 28 Februari 2014
Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

How To Learn Contour and Outline Using CorelDRAW

How To Learn Contour and Outline Using CorelDRAW - Contour is a function to reinforce the original appearance of an object such as we have white letters on a colored background, but white is also now using the contours of the letters then we can strengthen it by giving it a black contour may or other dark colors. 
while the outline is similar to the function of the contour outline but only has one side, while the contour can be more than 2 to infinity.

How To Learn Contour and Outline Using CorelDRAW

Both are the same, namely to increase the detail of an object we are, but when you are in a lot of designs that you have to choose one or both of these functions can use in this case contours and outlines. we take an example, suppose you create a banner design and there need an object to reinforce the word, but for the sake of beauty you have to make more than one additional object in the text. the following example.

How To Learn Contour and Outline Using CorelDRAW

Thus we can conclude that the Corel makes the same function but in some circumstances may be different and can be used either.

See the video for a more 

Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

How to Erase Background Image Using CorelDRAW

How to Erase Background Image Using CorelDRAW - This Tutorial explains how to remove the background from an image that we want the design to make it look more elegant when put every aspect of media such as business cards, etc.. 
This video provides guidance on how to remove the background with 2 way first by using Corel Photo-Paint and the second using the Intersect on coreldrwa, both ways are very much different but the same function is simply to delete the background of the picture and it all depends on you which one to use from the second way, but my suggestion would be a good idea to use that more often using corel Photo-Paint, so why is because when we use PhotoPaint then we can give a feather on the outskirts of the object image which has been we lose.

See the video for a more complete

Kamis, 27 Februari 2014
Posted by Ihya Ulumuddiin

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